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Let me love you without ending

she wears a sorrow
her beauty can't hide.

and everyone's just
a different shade of you

the memories in my head
are just as real as the time we spent
you’ll always be close to me.

It feels like you've made me something new.
Something to believe in.
Cause I forget myself when I don't have you.

It's a blurry memory,
but we will never forget it.

Its those random kisses,
How you smile when you see me,
That means the world to me

you're never prepared
for the moment that changes your life.

Everything is waves and stars.
The universe is resting in my arms.

Keep on loving him even
if you see no point.
Maybe the point just hasn’t
made it’s way into your story yet.

you smiled, that bright smile
and little did you know
that forever it would embedded in my memory

I need to find out if I’m capable
of being a whole person without you
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I love your icons. They're very nice.
love ur icons <3 keep it up!
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