Hey. You.
What an emo thing to say.
I'm going to go cry black rainbows and write poems.
Icons? Quotes?
Go for it.

And you can't be close enough unless I'm feeling your heart beat

A deep breath and it all starts to change

draw a line & live above it.

sometimes you dont realize how much
you care for someone
until they stop caring for you.

If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark

say the first thing that comes
into your head when you see me.

if it looks like it works and
it feels like it works, then it works.

please don't let this turn
into something it's not.

i was afraid to tell you some things,

when he said he wants somebody else,
i hope you know he doesn't mean you.

i'm wondering why you had to tell me
exactly what's going on in your head.

i hope your new life
is what you wished for.

i got used to knowing that
bliss was more than i deserved.

you coming back to me
is against the odds,

please don't allow your voice to fade.

whenever i'm alone with you,
you make me feel like i am home again.

don't fake yourself into ever
thinking about yesterday.
that was then, this is now.

i don't believe that anybody
feels the way i do about you now.

if you're not ready,
you're not ready.
please, stop acting like you are.

there's something about you baby,
i wanna hold you tonight

you leave me numb
and i'm not sure why

I wanted us to be
that we'd probably never be

And I'm blasting my music so
I won't hear my thoughts,
but it's stupid because the lyrics just remind me
of what I'm trying to forget.
how did you manage to get all these
people to sing about you?

the feeling of losing yourself in
somebody's arms- yet at the
same time finding yourself there-
is irreplaceable. nothing compares
to the intensity of that feeling.

i couldn't reassure him
i couldn't say what i had planned
i couldn't put three words together
so i just took his hand

instead of thinking about
what you're missing,
try thinking about what you have
that everyone else is missing.

you looked at me
and i looked back at you
and from that moment
i wasn't sure if things
would ever be the same again

Please remember this:
Yes, you are small
but you're all irreplacable
and are invaluable and miraculous.
Those stars don't have anything on you

take a chance
cause you never know how
absolutly perfect something
might turn out

'Cause baby I know this world
has got you shaking in your shoes.
So if you're alone and I'm alone,
why don't we be alone together?

we can't hide the truth
we know each other better

Every song that plays
is just another excuse
for me to think about you.

you will miss anyone when you are lonely....
it's when your life is going great
and you still feel the ache in your heart
because he isn't there to see the genuine smile on your face
and happiness in your life.

you think i see you when i look into his eyes?
come on hun, we both know that isn't right
when he came into my life, you completly left

turns out the people you think you need the most
don't need you at all

i dont believe in anything
but i believe in you
i never trusted anyone
but somehow i trust you

You were like coming up for fresh air.
It’s like I was drowning and you saved me.

I guess I always suspected that we never had a chance.
But you cried out words that told a different story.
And im a foolish girl, I dwell on every
Single thing you fucking say.

I've discovered a secret to life. What you need is just
To find somebody else who can fill that deep aching hole
Inside that you are always trying to kick
Dirt over and pretend isn't there.

& she used to be
terrified of the future,
but now she looks forward to it,
because of the fact,
that you'll be in it.

sometimes I make you listen to these songs
because the lyrics sing the words Im too scared to say.

He tells me about his night
And I count the colors in his eyes.

You don't remember
every word he said to you
you remember all the things
you should've said back

don't let yourself forget the moments
where you hear music playing and the
noise stops, but people continue moving.
the moments where you see everything
around you moving so fast, so chaotically.

You get into the biggest fights with the people you care most about because those are the relationships you're willing to fight for.

you can fill these moments with words like
but you gotta swear,
don't forget to remember me.

dont forget the songs that made you cry
and the songs that saved your life.

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