Tuesday, December 27, 2005


So, the bandwidth has been exceeded again.
And I need to free up space on my hard drive.

Let's just see how this is going to work out for me...

As People Grow
They R E A L I Z E
That Its Less Important
To Have MORE Friends
&& More Important
To Have REAL Friends

cus i dont want you to know where i am
cus than you'll see my heart
in the saddest state its ever been

if one day you say goodbye &it comes to an end
give me one last kiss before we become just friends.
i want a kiss so long& so wet
that it will be impossible to forget
the way that your lips fit perfectly with mine.
the shocking sensation when our tongues interwine.
this one last kiss will send me right down memory lane
to see us soaking wet lip locking in the rain.
all the times we had & all the things ill miss.
i'll cherish it all with this one last kiss.

the best kind of kiss
is the unexpected
unplanned ones
the ones that come naturally
like in the middle of a sentence

we're all a little weird
and when we find those people
whose weirdness is compatible with ours...
we join up with them
&& fall into mutually satisfying weirdness
&& call them our best friends

and all it takes is one thought about you
to leave the rest of the world behind.

When you look at me, it's like you're secretly trying
to tell me not to give up hope.
But I want you to know something..I almost have.

All I want is a guy who would memorize my favorite song
just to sing it to me
when I’m feeling down

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