Just the icons.
And the quotes.

I want to be somebody's baby.
I want to cry and still be beautiful.

it`s like, we`re more than friends;
but less than lovers.

every once in a while,
i see you look at me like you used to

& everytime you feel her touch,
i hope to God it's not enough

even if we never talk again; please remember
that i am forever changed by who you are &
what you meant to me
let`s just take one more ride; you & me.
we can laugh, sing, and joke just like old
times – like nothing ever went wrong &no
hearts were ever broken
you learn alot about people
when you listen to the songs
that mean something to them

there's no way i could look
into your eyes and
tell you i didn't love you.

I don't think you're leaving.
I think you're running.
And what I can't figure out is,
are you running towards something you want?
Or are you running away from something
you're afraid to want?

And every time he smiles at you
a tiny little pang of hope springs up
but you crush it before it can surface,
before it can give you away.
And you hug him goodbye like it's nothing

sometimes i'm scared.
but when i act numb towards you,
it doesn't mean i don't care

its like you get homesick
for a place that doesnt exist

there's nothing like the deep breaths
after laughing that hard.
nothing in the world is like a sore
stomach for all the right reasons.

tell him yes.
even if you are dying of fear,
even if you are sorry later,
but whatever you do,
you will be sorry for the rest
of your life if you say no.

The song changes,
the music gets slow and
our eyes automatically meet.

and there will always be those moments
when we look at each other
&& know that neither of us are gonna let go

and because of you
she'll never think she's good enough

and right when I begin to enjoy life again
and start to smile for no reason..
I get reminded of the summer..
&& how it use to be when I was yours
and I begin to fall once again for the boy
who doesnt believe in memories

sometimes someone can mean so much to me,
that not even the truth can change my mind

i talked to you for the
first time in forever.
i didn't know what to say.
but we laughed and for that moment,
i actually missed your smile.

i know i spent more time with him than i did with
you, and when i was with you - he was all i talked about.
but when he said it was over, you were the only person
who stayed with me while i cried and threw out everything
that reminded me of him. you helped me think about
other guys and made me look forward to getting up
everyday. thank you.

& when the sun goes down,
don’t forget the person who made your day.

I just want a different ending
to our same old story

Don't let yourself get so angry
that you stop loving,
because one day,
you'll wake up from the anger
and the person you love..
will be gone

& she's scared because suddenly its clear
how much he means to her

and for one moment everything was perfect

it's been too long, & i say i'm over you.
we both know it's a lie. you love me too.
& we'll keep running back to each other.
we're known as bad habits, not easy to break.

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