Friday, June 10, 2005

Leave comments now!

Okay, the comments won't work unless you have a Blogger account and since most of you don't, I've created a guestbook because people keep IMing me and telling me they like my icons but sometimes, my dad just closes the window before I get home to see it. So now, you can leave real comments and questions and blahblahblah. Anyway, it's pretty self-explanatory. Just go leave some fun comments and I'll love you forever and I'll keep posting icons.

Oh, and just real quick. I get these icons from tons of different Xangas. If you go to my xanga: HERE and look at my subscriptions, you'll find it pretty obvious which ones the icons came from. Just go to any of them and start looking around. You can go through the blogrings and the icon sites subscriptions and whatever. Warning: I've gotten other people addicted to these icons now too, so before you start looking, you should realize that you will more than likely get hooked.

Now, go sign the guestbook bitches!

view my guestbook |

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